Our Green Commitment

Contributing to a Green Future

Manitoba’s mining operations are operating more sustainably than ever, thanks to ongoing innovation and regulations at the federal and provincial levels, with an eye towards a bold industry-wide goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. At the same time, a vibrant mining sector allows us to step forward as a leader in the global green movement, as Manitoba’s mines can supply the critical minerals necessary for green innovations and technology.

Minimizing Environmental Impact

Manitoba mines operate under the world’s most stringent environmental standards protecting soil, water, forestry and wildlife. Canadian regulations encompass all stages of mining from exploration to processing, progressive waste management, and ultimately, site reclamation. Environmental teams test local water and soil quality regularly during operation and make sure former mine sites return to nature using a thorough reclamation process.

Minging Operation

Mining Sustainably

Mining operations across Manitoba are electrifying their operations, reducing water use, and creating less waste. The Canadian industry is on board with Towards Sustainable Mining, a globally recognized program providing frameworks for sustainable operations in nine key areas.

With help from partners innovating in colleges and universities around the country, Manitoba’s mining industry is constantly finding ways to become even more sustainable.

Working with Indigenous Communities

Manitoba’s mining industry is focused on creating brighter futures for all, including those in northern and Indigenous communities. To this end, active stakeholder engagement and ongoing input is crucial. New and existing mining operations dedicate significant time and resources towards building strong working relationships with local Indigenous leaders and community members from the very beginning of each project — often before claims are even laid. This continuous effort is designed to involve people in the decisions that will ultimately affect their communities, and to ensure economic opportunity is shared by all.
Indigenous Consultation

Mining has evolved. Learn more about modern operations.

Exploration Myth

Myth: Mineral exploration ruins large areas of Manitoba land.

Truth: Exploration activities are localized, low-impact, and approved through a comprehensive permitting process. Drill pad sites are a modest size and will naturally return to their original state.

Consultation Myth

Myth: Indigenous communities aren’t consulted when a mining project begins.

Truth: Manitoba mining involves early and ongoing engagement with leaders, elders, and community members throughout the entire process, from planning to site reclamation.

Production Myth

Myth: Mining jobs are dead-end, menial, and high-risk.

Truth: Modern mining provides rewarding and challenging careers and a clean workplace and environment. Manitoba mines operate under a strong, team-oriented safe work culture, and under the protection of Canada’s foremost safety regulations.

Reclamation Myth

Myth: Mines that shut down are left to decay.

Truth: Manitoba’s modern mining operations begin with the end in mind: companies must show a detailed plan and financial means for site reclamation even before receiving approval for construction, and each mine’s closure plans must be updated every five years.

View more mining MYTHS AND TRUTHS

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